Christmas Mud Kitchen

Christmas Mud Kitchen

Are you a decoration lover?

I am!!

I love to decorate for all the holidays. Halloween is always a big one at our house. Thanksgiving has enough to make me happy. And then Christmas is next level. Although our amount of Halloween decorations is starting to get up there, it can't touch Christmas. 

But, one thing I have started doing this year is decorating our mud kitchen and I am obsessed!! It is so fun to find cute things that my girls can help me put on our mud kitchen it make it festive. I know it just sits in our backyard and gets wet and muddy but it makes us happy so we are here for it! 

Look at this darling mud kitchen! RyLee from Purposeful Toys  decorated her mud kitchen and I am in love. Simple, sweet, so easy, and it even uses some trays for sensory play too! 

She filled her mud kitchen with play snow, little wooden snowmen, some darling little plastic lights, and some festive dough stamps. Then she let her babe play and watched the creative fun unfold! 


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