How to Winterize your Mud Kitchen

How to Winterize your Mud Kitchen

I know winter has been in full effect for a long time for many people but here in Los Angeles it is mostly just getting started! 

Making sure your mud kitchen is ready for winter is so important for it's longevity. Water and sun are the enemies to wood, especially something that sits outside day in and day out. In order to protect your invest we recommend 2 things:

1. Be sure to refresh your mud kitchen at the end of each summer season. Watch this video to see exactly how we do that. 



 2. Cover your mud kitchen. We offer high quality covers that fit our standard size 2 sink mud kitchens. They are perfect for protecting your mud kitchen from water, rain, snow, sun, wind, and any other kind of weather. 


Once you refresh your mud kitchen and cover it during harsh winter months it will be completely ready for play when you are ready!



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