3 Fun and Creative Ways to show Gratitude the Entire Month of November

Halloween is over and now it is Christmas time right?!?!  Not for me!

Some families jump right into Christmas and I love that but I also love to take the time for Thanksgiving! To me, it is such an important holiday! We should always remember to be thankful but in the chaos of life sometimes that is a hard thing to remember. I love that Thanksgiving puts our thoughts into perspective and helps us remember the things we do have before we jump into the holidays that talk a lot about the things we want to have. 

Here are some ways you can remember the things you are thankful for:

 1. Thanksgiving Box: We do  this ever year. We have an  old baby shoe box. Each  night in the month of  November we sit down and  everyone write a thing or two  they are grateful for. By  Thanksgiving day we have a  giant pile of our gratitude.  After dinner we sit around  and each read the thankful  notes out loud. They are  anonymous although we can  sometimes guess who wrote  what. Some are sappy, some  funny, and some very much  hitting right to the heart. 

2. Gratitude Letters: Write a note of gratitude to a new person each day. Take a few minutes each day to sit down and write a letter to someone you are grateful for. It can literally be anyone! Then, mail that letter to them! Just imagine the happy smile on their faces as they read their letter. Plus, people always love getting happy mail in their mailbox.

3. Gratitude Tree: There are so many iterations of this tradition. That makes it so fun and gives you a chance to use your creativity! All you need is a tree and some paper. It can be a tree drawn on paper, a tree branch from your yard, a decorative tree, etc. Cut the paper into leaves and fill the leaves of the course of the month. Display the leaves on you tree! 


I love how visual these all are! It is such a fun way to get your babes involved, see with your own eyes all the blessings we have been given, and remember to be express gratitude. 

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